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Activists call for fairer terms at EU-AU summit

The sixth Europe-Africa summit taking place in Brussels, Belgium, this week risks entrenching inequality between the two continents unless deliberate steps are taken to rebalance relations, civil society activists have warned. In a two-day webinar ahead of the EU-AU summit, activists heard that key priorities for Africa, including debt relief...
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Relief for farmers after virus impact

The Agriculture ministry has allocated Sh272 million for countering Covid-19 effects that were felt in 2020. The ministry’s representative, Ms Daines Philip, made the statement yesterday when making a presentation during a workshop on the effects of Covid-19 on farming and food security in the systems of food production, distribution...
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Smallholder farmers mourn regional champion

Morogoro, 5th May 2021. Smallholder farmers across the East African Community (EAC) partner states have expressed shock and grief over the passing on of Hon. Mathias Kasamba the representative in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and ex-Chairperson of the Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources Committee (ATNR). Hon. Mathias Kasamba...
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Traders narrate business ordeal over deadly Covid-19

Dar es Salaam, Mabibo market traders yesterday narrated their business ordeal during the Covid-19 pandemic that forced some of them to consider abandoning business. Speaking separately to this reporter, they said during that period it was difficult to trade perishable goods as they ended up rotting due to shortage of...
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