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The East African Agriculture  Budget Summit 2019

News & Events

Public Social Accountability

The PSA Alliance is a consortium of organisations led by ActionAid International and including the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM) of Rhodes University, Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers Forum (ESAFF) and SAfAIDS, which is implementing the project ‘Strengthening Social Accountability and Oversight in Health and Agriculture in Southern Africa’, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Through this project, the PSA Alliance works to improve social accountability and gender-responsiveness in public resource management in health and agricultural services across five countries (Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe), contributing to the realisation of SADC commitments on HIV, sexual and reproductive rights (SRHR) and food security in the Southern African region

Word from Chairman

Word from the Chairman

The African Agriculture We want… Smallholder producers’ top priorities in the coming CAADP Kampala Declaration 2025. Looking back to the genesis of Africa’s agriculture sector transformation, which faced significant challenges due to the structural adjustment programs (SAPs). These programs required African governments to withdraw support from the agriculture sector and other public sectors, leading to severe food insecurity, increased poverty, hunger, and social chaos across...
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Only four (4) countries out of 49 are on track to achieve Malabo Goal by 2025 | Commitment #1: Re-commitment to the Principles of the CAADP, only Rwanda and Tanzania are on track | Commitment #2: Enhancing Investment in Agriculture, only Burundi Allocate more than 10% of annual Budget | Commitment #3: Ending Hunger by 2025, Only Uganda is on track to end hunger by 2025 | Access to agriculture advisory services by farmers, NO country is on Track in the EAC. || EAC is NOT investing into agriculture Research and Development to at least 1% of the Agriculture GDP. || Enhancing Resilience to climate variability, only Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda are on track

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The Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum

ESAFF is a network of grassroots small scale farmers’ organizations working in 16 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region.

The Purpose of ESAFF

Is to enable Small Farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa to speak as a united voice so that issues, concerns and recommendations become an integral part of policies and practices at grassroots levels, National levels as well as at Regional and Global levels.