Other Farmer Organizations
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ESAFF operates at country level in Eastern and Southern Africa through its members namely: Tanzania (National Network of Small Scale Farmers Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA), Kenya- Kenya Small Scale Farmers Forum-(KESSFF),Uganda (ESAFF Uganda), Zambia (ESAFF Zambia), Lesotho (ESAFF Lesotho), South Africa (ESAFF South Africa), Malawi (National SmallholderFarmers Movement- NASFAM), Rwanda (APPPE – ESAFF-Rwanda), Burundi (ESAFF-Burundi), Seychelles (SeyFA), Madagascar(CPM), Mozambique (ROSA), Swaziland (ESAFF Swaziland) , DRC-Congo (FOPAC) and SouthSudan (SSAPU)
The Organisation powers and affairs are managed by the members through the following Organs:-
Small-scale farmers area driving force for social change and poverty reduction in ESA region through participation in democratic processes at community and local government level, national and regional level, as well as at continental and global level