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Nyeleni – Pre Global Forum Regional Consultation for the Africa Region

Over the past 28 years, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) played a vital role in uniting small-scale food producers and their allies to establish a shared vision of food sovereignty and implement strategies to make it a reality.

Our achievements are now under threat due to an extended period of systemic crises.

In order to continue to build people’s power, the IPC is organizing the next Nyéléni Global Forum in India in 2025.

We call on all food sovereignty, climate justice, workers’ and peasants’ rights, feminist, solidarity economy, health, anti-war, youth, and other movements, who seek to safeguard human and collective rights worldwide, protect ecosystems, and secure a dignified life on Earth for present and future generations, and resist the corporate takeover of governance spaces, to join us online to make your voices heard in the Nyéléni Africa pre-global Forum consultation.

Join our convergence on ZOOM to build a common political agenda

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