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The Agriculture We Want!, Farmers key demands towards the AU CAADP Kampala Declaration 2025

In this compelling and interactive short informative documentary, ESAFF (Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers’ Forum) takes you back to the genesis of Africa’s Agriculture sector sector which was destroyed by the structural adjustment programs (SAPs) which required African governments not to support agriculture sector and other public sector which led to worse food insecurity, more poverty, hunger social chaos in the continent. The Maputo Declaration on Agriculture in 2005 was an attempt to salvage the situation. It called for 10% of the national budget to be allocated to agriculture sector within 5 years.

By 2008 handful had been achieved. And during the Malabo Declaration in 2014, Africa did not strongly put rural Transformation at the centre. This video reminds policy makers and law makers on the game changer policies and investment that could spur African agriculture to another level in the next decade.

The CAADP Malabo Declaration 2024 implementations come to an end in 2025 when all African countries are not on track to achieve the seven goals (4th CAADP Biennial Review Report 2023) Towards the new AU CAADP Kampala Declaration 2025, Smallholder Farmers are calling and demand for 3 game changer approaches to transform agriculture through rural Transformation…

  1. Demand for Quality Rural Financing (for Good governance, rural electricity, quality rural roads, irrigation access water, quality education, ICT, market, better extension services) to make rural areas center of Agri-food Systems in Africa that could lead to quality, dignified happy prosperous rural life.
  2. Focus on Agroecology as the backbone for sustainable food systems, resilience and wealth creation for smallholder farmers.
  3. Call for Decentralization of the CAADP to rural areas to increase ownership to those who matters most so they can hold decision makers into account through social accountability.
  4. Call for the ratification of the Kampala Declaration by parliaments at RECs and national level to give it legal mandate for financing and fully implementation

That is the agriculture we want.

Watch the video below;

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