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SADC Sustainable Livelihoods Expo 2014


SADC Sustainable Livelihoods Expo 2014

Climate change is a major contributor to the rise of food insecurity, especially in Southern Africa, threatening the ability of many people to grow and buy adequate food to sustain themselves. Small-holder farmers, who produce over 90 per cent of the food in Africa, make up more than half of the food insecure population on the continent. Women are responsible for the majority of small scale food production but remain persistently disadvantaged. In response to this a coalitioni of partners across Southern Africa will be running a Food and Climate Justice Campaign that will take place in the next 2 years beginning from 2014. As part of this campaign, a Sustainable Livelihoods Expo will be held on the 22nd of November 2014 at the Harare Gardens, Zimbabwe.

The event is primarily for rural women and small scale food producers and will be a living space to showcase their issues and their agency in a dynamic way. An expo will provide a platform for rural women, small scale food producers, campaign partners and other stakeholders to exhibit their
innovations and indigenous knowledge and practices. This will be a space to dialogue, to network, to exchange and to inspire. This will be complemented by parallel spaces for engaging with media and policy makers, really bringing the voices and experiences from around the region together.
What to expect at the Expo