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Achievements of ESAFF

Achievements of ESAFF

The Forum through its member organizations has recorded a number of success stories:
In Kenya, Tanzania and Lesotho; national small-scale farmers’ fora are involved in campaigns to influence bio safety frameworks, land, trade, water and farmer friendly credit scheme policies affecting farmers. This is done in collaboration with other suitable like-minded players.In Zambia and Uganda, farmers’ fora are lobbying for favourable land tenure policy and agriculture financing. ESAFF Zimbabwe is working on seed security programmes.

Present and Future Plans
ESAFF is prioritising the strengthening of the National Fora with a view to increase membership at grassroot, country and regional level and forge partnership with regional and global progressive small-scale farmers’ movements.
ESAFF is strategizing to influence national, regional, continental and global policies affecting small-scale farmers through campaigning, advocacy and lobbying.
Mobilizing other national small scale farmers forum in the region to join ESAFF.