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Hon Bazivamo: there is no excuse for any EAC State to dishonour Malabo Declaration


 Hon Bazivamo: there is no excuse for any EAC State to dishonour Malabo Declaration

*Legal commitments to increase agriculture funding should be made by domestication of Malabo Declaration

By ESAFF Correspondent

Progressive agriculture is what can propel majority of East African farmers to improved livelihood, better than any other sector, including the famed oil and gas sphere.

He was speaking at the EAC Budget Summit in June 2016 in Arusha, Tanzania.

With that picture in mind, Hon. Christophe Bazivamo, the Head of the Committee On Agriculture for the East African Legislative Assembly, has become a passionate advocate for small holder farmers, who comprise largest demographic group in the region.

African smallholder farmers need dedicated and passionate law makers about taking the  agenda of improving the economic wellbeing of smallholder farmers to the next level.

“More investment in agriculture… honouring Malabo Declaration and other continental and regional commitments on the sector would mean improved economic fortunate of millions of farmers in East Africa,” noted Hon Bazivamo, in an interview with media during the EAC Small Scale FarmersSummit 2016 in early this year in Arusha.

At another event, EAC Agriculture Budget Summit 2016 hosted jointly by ESAFF, ANSAF and ActionAid International, Hon Bazivamo put up a strong case for domestication of Malabo Declaration. He said it was  paramount for all EAC states to up resources for agriculture to and beyond 10% of national budget threshold.

 He acknowledged that Rwanda and Burundi have reached the threshold, and there was no excuse of the other members states not to follow suit.

“There is no excuse for states not to put 10 percent of the national budgets to agriculture,” he said.   

Hon. Bazivamo also urged farmers representatives including civil society and smallholder farmers as well as Members of parliaments in East Africa to continue with advocacy activities to ensure Malabo goals are met.