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ESAFF Seeks Tangible Progress in Fast Tracking Of Domestication Of Malabo Declaration In East Africa

Individual nations in the East African Community(EAC) have got every reason to start fast tracking the implementation of the Malabo Declaration for wide spread  economic development geared to improve the livelihood of millions of smallholder farmers.

The Malabo Declaration is the blue print for the African continent to improve agriculture to eliminate hunger and halve poverty by the year 2025

According to ESAFF Chairman, Mr. Serge Benstrong, East Africa Legislative Assembly(EALA) last year approved a resolution urging member states to fast track the implementation of the Malabo Declaration in their countries.

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“It’s time to act as nations have the blessings of EALA. Member states commitment should be actualised in the forthcoming national budgets and subsequent implementations,” he noted.

Late last year, Hon Mr. Mike Sebalu (Uganda)moved a motion for a resolution in the EALA sitting in Zanzibar that urged partner States to fast-track domestication of the Malabo Declarations and its commitments. The motion was approved.

Eelier last June in Arusha ESAFF, Actionaid, ANSAF, EACSOF, the CAADP Non State Actors Coalition (CNC) and Members of EALA met in what was dubbed EAC Farmers’ Summit, where a resolution was passed to seek greater domestication of the Malabo Declaration and its 7 commitments by partner states.

1. Hon Dan Kidega (left), Speaker of EALA with Hon Opoka

The ESAFF coordinator, MrJoe Mzinga said in the case of Tanzania making crop, livestock and fisheries the centrepiece of Tanzania’s economic development agenda, would widen the stakes in cutting  poverty rates by half by 2025. “In Tanzania only agriculture-led economic growth is able to cater for majority populace,” he noted.

1 Hon Dan Kidega EALA Speaker

He clarified that domesticating ‘Malabo Declaration’ does not mean that each county will have same priorities. Each country will use options most suitable for their conditions.

Of paramount in domesticating the ‘Malabo Declaration’, is transparency in policy formulation and implementation in line with the three cardinal principles of transparency, accountability and per reviewing of Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme, CAADP, and National Agriculture Investment Plan, NAIP.