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Call to complete harmonization of EAC CAADP compact with partner states plans


Call to complete harmonization of  EAC CAADP compact with partner states plans

By ESAFF Correspondent

Completion of drafting and approval of the EAC CAADP compact and results framework to harmonize with East African member countries’ Agriculture Investment Strategic and Plans should be prioritized.

This was noted at  EAC Agriculture Budget Summit 2016, that took place early June in Arusha at AICC.

Participants at the summit noted that the implementation of  CAADP process has been slow in the region.

The summit urged farmers, media and  CSOs in the EAC region  to engage their Members of Parliaments and relevant sector ministries (Finance, Agriculture, Local government, Livestock, fisheries and Trade) to improve their budgets to fit the demand of smallholder farmers within the new CAADP Result framework.

Ms. Margaret Ndaba a senior official from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestocks and Fisheries from the United Republic of Tanzania told the summit that  in the country there was commitment and political will to increase investment in agriculture as per CAADP compact. She said, the progress made should be built on for fuller implementation.

 Ms. Josephine Love from The Ministry of Agriculture in  Kenya said that the CAADP process has been slow in the country though with great measureable progress. 

For Mr. Emmanuel Kimbowa from Ministry of Agriculture Uganda, he noted that CAADP implementation was being done through Agriculture Sector Development Strategic Plan (ASSP).

“Uganda is on track towards implementation of the CAADP. Agriculture investment in Uganda is still low but may even be above 10 percent given the fact that the development of the sector is linked to other sectors like transport, energy among others,” he noted.

Mr. Kimbowa said Uganda had a draft framework which was being aligned to CAADP results framework.

 Hon. Christopher Bazivamo (from EALA), said that lawmakers at EALA and national playmates should play their part to help in the implementation of the CAADP. He added that the document has been ready for sometimes and EAC council of Ministers had asked the  EAC secretariat to improve some issues and submit for verification.

EAC CAADP COMPACT derives its rationale from the EAC Treaty and is  expected to progressively contribute towards hunger and poverty reduction, food and nutrition security, and regional integration by boosting intra-and inter regional trade through using regional trade frameworks such as the SPS Protocol.

The event was funded by the Dakar based Trust Africa and the EU through the INVOLVE project.