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Call for expression of Interest: Mapping of Key events on Public Financing to Agriculture, National Budget Meetings and Country Level CAADP Processes


Call for expression of Interest: Mapping of Key events on Public Financing to Agriculture, National Budget Meetings and Country Level CAADP Processes

 CALL FOR expression OF INTEREST 09/03/2015

Country – United Republic of Tanzania

SUBJECT: Mapping of Key events on Public Financing to Agriculture, National Budget Meetings and Country Level CAADP Processes

to enable farmers (MVIWATA) to participate and influence policies and budget at national and local level  between March 2015 – June 2016

  1. Introduction and justification

Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) is a small scale farmers movement that empowers small scale farmers to reduce poverty, vulnerability and hunger by influencing agriculture policies and budgeting processes for more resources allocation to the agriculture sector and enabling environment to sustainably increased production and productivity, access to profitable and equitable markets.

ESAFF is actively engaged in advocacy, campaigns and lobbying for the interests of small holder farmers in respect to public financing to agriculture and the campaign to promote agro-ecological climate resilient sustainable agriculture.

In a bid to entrench the participation of small scale farmers in policy processes, ESAFF in February 2015 convened a national conference on CAADP, TAFSIP and the Malabo Declaration with a specific focus on public financing to agriculture. The conference brought together policy makers, technocrats, private sector, development partners, and small scale farmers. The voices of the smallholder farmers from the conference indicated a need for more active participation in policy processes as well as more interfaces between small scale farmers and policy makers.

This was in line with the ESAFF vision of building “a strong, effective Regional Forum of empowered small scale farmers with united voices in the policy processes for ecological agriculture practice and a poverty free in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region” and also in line with one of our ongoing projects with the European Union called INVOLVE which aims at “Involving Small Scale Farmers in Policy dialogue and Monitoring for improved food security in the East African Region”.

  • Hence these terms of reference are to enable Mapping of Key events on Public Financing to Agriculture, National and local Budget Meetings and Country Level CAADP Processes to enable farmers (MVIWATA) to participate and influence policies and budget at national and local level
  • Target ministries and institutions are; Tanzania Planning Commission, Ministry of finance, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Livestock and fisheries, PMO Regional Authority and Local Governments, … Parliamentary Standing Committees   
  1. Objectives of the Mapping:

(i)    To empower small scale farmers with the relevant information and avenues for engaging and influencing policy processes

(ii)  To enable ESAFF, MVIWATA and other farmer organisations to  undertake thorough planning and strategising around the issues and processes

(iii) To create a strong linkage between ESAFF, MVIWATA other farmer organisations and policy makers in a bid to generate a shared development agenda built on a transformed agriculture sector.

(iv) To enable ESAFF to galvanise, consolidate and sustain momentum on CAADP, fast tracking of the implementation of the Malabo and the CAADP results framework at national level

(v)   To foster collaboration and mutual accountability between farmers and the government


  1. Expected Deliverables

The contracted party will be charged with the task of mapping the dates; lead institutions; responsible person(s); Themes; opportunities for participation & influencing; venues; and possible costs involved (where necessary).

The events, milestones and processes to be mapped should cover a period between March 2015 to June 2016 so as to enable ESAFF plan its activities and engagements way ahead of time.

The mapping should be conducted in the following areas;

  • Key moments related to the budgeting process: planning, implementation monitoring

Ø  At local level: calendar of events and theme wherever possible; Village level (O&OD), Ward level, Districts level planning, implementation monitoring

Ø  At National level: Ministerial policy reviews sessions (M&E), planning meetings, budget conferences, parliamentary hearings with relevant ministries, the EAC budget speech day on 11/06/2015, BFP process etc).

Ø  Parliamentary committee seattings (the relevant parliamentary committees; agenda items, bills being discussed, reports discussed, public hearings and spaces)

Ø  Policy processes such as the CAADP review process, ASDP/TAFSIP review process, National results framework, joint sector reviews, quarterly review meetings etc


  • Mapping of advocacy issues that ESAFF and MVIWATA  could take up (related to policy, processes or procedures)


  1. Timelines and Compensation

The mapping exercise is expected to be conducted over a period of 10 days and a summarised briefing note will be delivered to ESAFF. An agreeable level of compensation will be reached between the contracting person and the consultant depending on the scope of work and expertise of the consultant.

  1. Who qualifies to undertake this exercise?

ESAFF will give preference to a high level official working with any one of the following institutions; Parliament of Tanzania, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, the CAADP coordination desk, EAC secretariat, NSA/NGO forum, development partners. In some instances, consultants, and subject matter specialists may be contracted to undertake this kind of mapping exercise.

  1. Contact Person:

All interested parties in this mapping exercise are urged to submit their motivation letters showing expected fees and capability to deliver within requested time. Kindly attach your brief CV/Resume (4 pages max) and email the ESAFF Regional Coordinator at, copy not later than 10 days from appearance of this call on the website

Or contact us

Eastern & Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) – Head Office

Post Office Building

P.O. Box 1782, Morogoro Tanzania


Issued 09/03/2015, Morogoro, Tanzania