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LA VIA CAMPESINA : G20 Exludes poor countries

18/10/2010 LA VIA CAMPESINA PRESS RELEASE G20 Exludes poor countries and pushes business as usual, Small farmers demand system change (Seoul, NOV 18, 2010) The G20i just concluded its Summit in Seoul, Korea where they professed to discuss solutions to the global financial crisis. Claiming to be the forum for...
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Germany Bread for the World Supports ESAFF

30/09/2010  The German based charity organization, Bread for the World (BftW) has entered into agreement to support ESAFF to implement its strategic plan 2008-2011. The support worth Euro 50,000 will largely help in strengthening small scale farmers’ national forums and enhance capacity in lobbying and advocacy of the agriculture budget....
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Uganda Gov’t turns deaf ear to plight of small scale farmers

20/10/2010 By  JOSEPH MITI  The Monitor Newspaper Posted Wednesday, October 20 2010 at 00:00 at “We will not eat to eat, but eat to work. If we don’t want to work, we will not eat. Eat every meal after working for four hours,” this is a heartening prayer, the...
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Brazil set to assist Tanzania survey biofuel farming areas

12/10/2010 source: By Beatrice Philemon Tanzanian and Brazilian experts are expected to carry out a countrywide survey to identify and propose strategic areas that would be allocated for biofuel farming. “Our intention is to have special areas or land that will be used for biofuel development or farming in...
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4 million ha requested for biofuel production in Tanzania

12/10/2010 source By Beatrice Philemon At least 4 million hectares of land have so far been requested for biofuel production in Tanzania especially for jatropha, sugar cane and palm oil, it has been revealed. A research carried out by Emmanuel Sulle and Fred Nelson both from the International Institute...
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Benefits of agriculture bank still mystify farmers

20/06/ 2010 By JAFFAR MJASIRI, 20th June 2010 @ 16:00, Total Comments: 0, Hits: 565 TANZANIA’S ‘Agriculture First’ theme named in Kiswahili as ‘Kilimo Kwanza’ that was launched last year by President Jakaya Kikwete, and a government initiative towards prioritizing agriculture, is gaining momentum. The Eastern and Southern Africa...
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Small scale farmers vows to engage on CAAP processes

30/06/2010 Small scale farmers and pastoralists in the eastern and southern Africa (ESA) region are determined to engage with their countries in the implementation of the NEPAD framework for agriculture development -CAADP.  Speaking at the end of a training workshop organized at Egerton University in Nakuru, Kenya, small scale farmers...
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