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Women Small Scale farmer’s Conference Wins SADC approval

23/11/2015 Women Small Scale farmer’s Conference Wins SADC approval.  #Event said to instigate new thinking for improving  regional agriculture policies  JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Women Small Scale Farmers’ Conference, a regional event organised annually by  ESAFF is an important platform for awareness creation about women in agriculture and their needs.    ...
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The executive failed us Parliamentary committee laments!!!

22/05/2015 The Tanzania parliamentary committee on Agriculture, Water and Livestock has expressed its great displeasure with the executive branch of the government for failing to fulfil budgetary commitments made in parliament for the benefit of agriculture, water and livestock sectors. The members of the committee told farmer leaders in Dodoma on...
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ESAFF joins SADC agri-investment policy working group

07/08/2015 Eastern and Southern Africa Farmers Forum (ESAFF) has joined South African Development Community (SADC)   Regional   Agricultural    Policy   (RAP) Investment Plan Working Group to represent the interest of small farmers across the region. SADC secretariat wrote to ESAFF last June to join the group, and offer that was greatly appreciated,...
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